install.packages("sjPlot") then run library(sjPlot) didn't work

Hi there!
I run install.packages("sjPlot") and I received the message below:
The downloaded source packages are in

Then I run
Error in library(sjPlot) : there is no package called ‘sjPlot’
how can I sort out this please?

Could you run install.packages("sjPlot") again and take screenshots of what your console shows immediately after running it?

Thank you! sure, here it goes.
I choose "Yes" to the question:
do you want to instal from sources the package which needs compilation?

The error message, after library(sjPlot), remains the following:
The downloaded source packages are in

Error in library(sjPlot) : there is no package called ‘sjPlot’

There should be a steaming pile of messages from the compilation process, not shown here. Did xfun and knitr install properly?