Hello, I am using rstudio clloud to create rmarkdown pdf documents; I need to install spanish.ldf or other babelr complement spanis languaje; is it possible?
Many thanks
PD in my desktop rstudio version I use the tinytex package but when I installed in cloud version an try to install the spanish.ldf latex pakcage trhorug tlmgr command it show tihis message:
tlmgr install spanish.ldf
(running on Debian, switching to user mode!)
cannot setup TLPDB in /home/rstudio-user/texmf at /usr/bin/tlmgr line 5604.
tlmgr path add
(running on Debian, switching to user mode!)
tlmgr: action `path' not supported in usermode!
rstudio-user@88c879295fe4:/cloud/project$ tlmgr --usermode init-usertree
(running on Debian, switching to user mode!)
tlmgr: action init-usertree returned a warning.
rstudio-user@88c879295fe4:/cloud/project$ tlmgr --usermode install spanish.ldf
(running on Debian, switching to user mode!)
/usr/bin/tlmgr: Initialization failed (in setup_unix_one):
/usr/bin/tlmgr: could not find a usable xzdec.
/usr/bin/tlmgr: Please install xzdec and try again.
tlmgr: Couldn't set up the necessary programs.
Installation of packages is not supported.
Please report to texlive@tug.org.