Indian equity stratgey backtesting and plotting buy and sell signal

this is a code for ema 20-50 crossover strategy i can chart the strategy and generate buy and sell signals but unable to figure how to plot them. This code plots ema for 20days and 50 days when the cross signals are generated i.e. buy and sell signals. in this code it generated numerically but i would like to plot those points

  getSymbols('^NSEI', src = 'yahoo', from = '2016-01-01')
  NSEI <- nsei <-na.approx(NSEI)

  EMA_NSEI_ret <- ret_NSEI*EMA_NSEI_strat
  EMA_NSEI_ret_commission_adj <- ifelse((EMA_NSEI_ts == 1|EMA_NSEI_ts == -1) & EMA_NSEI_strat != Lag(EMA_NSEI_ts), (ret_NSEI-0.05)*EMA_NSEI_strat, ret_NSEI*EMA_NSEI_strat)
  EMA_NSEI_comp <- cbind(EMA_NSEI_ret, EMA_NSEI_ret_commission_adj, benchmark_NSEI)
  colnames(EMA_NSEI_comp) <- c('EMA','EMA Commission Adj','NSEI Benchmark')
  charts.PerformanceSummary(EMA_NSEI_comp, main = 'NSEI EMA Performance')
  EMA_NSEI_comp_table <- table.AnnualizedReturns(EMA_NSEI_comp)
  EMA_NSEI_strat <- ifelse(EMA_NSEI_ts > 1,0,1)
  for (i in 1 : length(Cl(NSEI))) {
    EMA_NSEI_strat[i] <- ifelse(EMA_NSEI_ts[i] == 1,1,ifelse(EMA_NSEI_ts[i] == -1,0,EMA_NSEI_strat[i-1]))
  EMA_NSEI_strat[] <- 1
  EMA_NSEI_stratcomp <- cbind(EMA20_NSEI, EMA50_NSEI, EMA_NSEI_ts, EMA_NSEI_strat)
  colnames(EMA_NSEI_stratcomp) <- c('EMA(20)','EMA(50)','EMA SIGNAL','EMA POSITION')

EMA20_NSEI <- EMA(NSEI$NSEI.Close, n = 20)
EMA50_NSEI <- EMA(NSEI$NSEI.Close, n = 50)
lineChart(NSEI, theme = chartTheme('black'))
addEMA(n = 20, col = 'blue')
addEMA(n = 50, col = 'orange')
legend('left', col = c('green','blue','orange'),
       legend = c('NSEI','EMA20','EMA50'), lty = 1, bty = 'n',
       text.col = 'white', cex = 0.8)
# EMA 20 Crossover Signal 
EMA20_NSEI_ts <- Lag(
  ifelse(Lag(Cl(NSEI)) < Lag(EMA20_NSEI) & Cl(NSEI) > EMA20_NSEI,1,
         ifelse(Lag(Cl(NSEI)) > Lag(EMA20_NSEI) & Cl(NSEI) < EMA20_NSEI,-1,0)))
EMA20_NSEI_ts[] <- 0
# EMA 50 Crossover Signal
EMA50_NSEI_ts <- Lag(
  ifelse(Lag(Cl(NSEI)) < Lag(EMA50_NSEI) & Cl(NSEI) > EMA50_NSEI,1,
         ifelse(Lag(Cl(NSEI)) > Lag(EMA50_NSEI) & Cl(NSEI) < EMA50_NSEI,-1,0)))
EMA50_NSEI_ts[] <- 0
# EMA 20 and EMA 50 Crossover Signal
EMA_NSEI_ts <- Lag(
  ifelse(Lag(EMA20_NSEI) < Lag(EMA50_NSEI) & EMA20_NSEI > EMA50_NSEI,1,
         ifelse(Lag(EMA20_NSEI) > Lag(EMA50_NSEI) & EMA20_NSEI < EMA50_NSEI,-1,0)))
EMA_NSEI_ts[] <- 0
EMA_NSEI_ret <- ret_NSEI*EMA_NSEI_strat
EMA_NSEI_ret_commission_adj <- ifelse((EMA_NSEI_ts == 1|EMA_NSEI_ts == -1) & EMA_NSEI_strat != Lag(EMA_NSEI_ts), (ret_NSEI-0.05)*EMA_NSEI_strat, ret_NSEI*EMA_NSEI_strat)
EMA_NSEI_comp <- cbind(EMA_NSEI_ret, EMA_NSEI_ret_commission_adj, benchmark_NSEI)
colnames(EMA_NSEI_comp) <- c('EMA','EMA Commission Adj','NSEI Benchmark')
charts.PerformanceSummary(EMA_NSEI_comp, main = 'NSEI EMA Performance')
EMA_NSEI_comp_table <- table.AnnualizedReturns(EMA_NSEI_comp)
  ret_NSEI <- diff(log(Cl(NSEI)))
  benchmark_NSEI <- ret_NSEI

EMA_NSEI_ret <- ret_NSEI*EMA_NSEI_strat

Hi, both of the objects on the right of the arrow are missing from your example.

Also, not sure if you can plot the points using quantmod: quantmod: examples :: charting

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