index.html file is not being created when I do "quarto publish gh-pages"

The message I am getting is:
ERROR: NotFound: No such file or directory (os error 2), rename '/Users/johnm1/_notes/usingR-Booklet/index.html' -> '/Users/johnm1/_notes/usingR-Booklet/_book/index.html'

My _quarto.yml file is:

  type: book

  title: "Using R for Data Analysis and Graphics"
  author: "John Maindonald"
  date: today
  date-format: iso
    - index.qmd
    - basics.qmd
    - graphs.qmd
    - reg.qmd
    - GLMandA.qmd
    - ts.qmd
    - trees.qmd
    - mva.qmd
    - mlm.qmd
    - references.qmd

toc: true
number-sections: true
number-depth: 2
    - book.bib
    - packages.bib

    theme: cosmo
    fig-width: 5
    fig-height: 5.5
    documentclass: scrreprt
    fig-width: 4.5
    fig-height: 5    
    collapse: true
    comment: "" 
      fig_align: "center"
editor: visual

A check shows that all the other html files are created.
A prior render of index.qmd ran without error. A subsequent render showed the error
"cannot recreate existing named lifetime render-file". What does this mean?

A further point is that I have the following _quarto.qmd file. I am puzzled as to how/why this was generated.

  type: website
  output-dir: docs

book: title: 'Using R for Data Analysis and Graphics' subtitle: "A Broad and Brief Overview" author: "John Maindonald" date: today date-format: iso chapters: - index.qmd - basics.qmd - graphs.qmd - reg.qmd - GLMandA.qmd - intro.qmd - summary.qmd - references.qmd

bibliography: \[references.bib, packages.bib, book.bib\]

format: html: theme: cosmo pdf: documentclass: scrreprt editor: visual

The website is Using R for Data Analysis and Graphics

Can you try with Quarto pre-release ? Quarto - Pre-release Builds

And if still an issue can you open one with details and hopefully a way to reproduce (or run your code) at GitHub - quarto-dev/quarto-cli: Open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc.

thank you !

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