I've had a few issues with html tables in the RStudio notebook window.
I haven't found a way to adjust the size of the html output in the window. The default size is very narrow and I can often see only a few columns at a time.
Second, I struggle with the scrolling. I find that in order to scroll left/right, I first have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the table. It makes it pretty difficult to scan through large tables.
Can I just use the default tibble printing or view()? Yes, and I do this sometimes. But there are other times where the table formatting in the html tables is essential to seeing the data correctly.
I find I can use tab_options(container.height = 400) to make the scrolling work better within the html box.
However, I can't seem to increase the width of the html box. Is it possible that a future version of RStudio will allow this? The current html box width is only about 800 pixels, which is very narrow for modern monitors.