Income tax calculator table for labor contracts in Ecuador
Authors: Carla Chamorro (Servicio de Rentas Internas), Alex Bajaña (Centro de Investigación Estadística ERGOSTATS)
Carla's GitHub
Alex's GitHub
Abstract: Income tax for labor contracts has a new mechanism in Ecuador the next year, our app is a tool to understand it and be prepared to the next tax payment.
Full Description: As of 2022, Ecuadorians who are required to declare personal income tax will face a new structure for declaring this tax. If the complexity of reporting this tax already caused confusion, this upcoming fiscal period will be accompanied by uncertainty until individuals get used to this change. The application that we developed also seeks to educate individuals who work under a dependency relationship about this change so that when filing their income tax return they not only do so as part of their tax obligations but also give their contribution to the promotion of tax culture.
Table Type: interactive-HTML
Submission Type: Single Table Example
Table: Income tax calculator table for labor contracts in Ecuador
Code: GitHub - AlexB4891/income_tax_calculator_table: Tabla calculadora del impuesto a la renta
Cloud project:
Languages: Built with R: true. Built with Python: false.
Industries: Tax administration, government.
Other packages: shiny, tidyverse, gt, shinyBS, tippy, scales, readxl, gtExtras, shinyWidgets