I have a simple Rmd document that I would like to call via a cron job using rmarkdown::render()
Here is the example.Rmd file:
title: "Example blah"
output: html_document
blah blah blah
hive_conn <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), dsn = "Hive")
##s3_conn <- DBI::dbConnect(noctua::athena(), s3_staging_dir = "s3://glu-athena/results/") # for sending the actual data to S3
select s,
split(game_name, '_')[1] as platform,
case when country = 'United States' then 1 else 0 end as usa
from device_metrics.game_install
where lower(game_name) rlike '^(?!.*QA).*' || 'fungame' || '.*'
and year || '-' || month || '-' || day = '2020-01-01'
Check the object df exists
If I run this script by clicking knit, all works as expected. A page is rendered with the expected output.
If I uncomment out the line starting with s3_conn <- ... the script also runs successfully.
However, I would like to run this script as part of a cron job. I have another script called run_for_cron.R
This time the cron only completes as long as the s3_conn line is commented out. If I include the s3_conn line, I see an 'execution halted' message in the cron log. This does not happen if the s3_conn is commented out.
Not sure what this signifies, it's difficult to diagnose. How can I get the document to complete when being called in a cron?
Sys.setenv(AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="mykey", AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="my_secret_key",
test <- Sys.getenv("AWS_REGION")
print(test) # just verifying these set correctly as expected
I added this above the code block referencing noctua. However I hit the same issue where I could not render the document.
```{r echo=T}
# change to echo=F when this is working
followed by other statements
but that is the case if I understand you correctly.
I have no further suggestions but you could have a look at the noctua page. In one of the examples all authorizations are specified in the dbConnect. You could try this to see if that works (not as a permanent solution).
To set up the .aws/config and .aws/credentials files, you can use aws cliCommand Line Interface - AWS CLI - AWS. However if you are using a server you can get your Admins to pass the credentials to the EC2 (if you are working in AWS).
I hope this helps. If you are still having difficulty with this, please let me know
Thanks for the suggestions. This may have been a separate issue unrelated to noctua. I was able to get things up and running with the env vars however my teammate was unable to. I suspect it's perhaps specific to their environment rather than to noctua. If I was able to delete this post I would.