In R Markdown, single quote not automatically coupled

Hello, I've just joined the community, but have been using RStudio for a few years now and this software very much!

I've been working with R Markdown files more frequently and I'm noticing that the single quote (') is sometimes not automatically doubled when entered in a code chunk. However, in that same scenario, the double quote character does automatically double. My request is for assistance with enabling this time-saving feature also for single quotes.

RStudio version: 2024.09.0 Build 375
Windows 11

Below are screenshots and a description of what I'm doing:
Within data.frame(), within a list c(), if I keyboard press the quotation marks key (double quotes), it enters a pair of double quotes characters ("") with the cursor between them. However, if I would keyboard press the apostrophe key (single quote), it only enters a single character (').

(I can only include a single screenshot, but it's pretty easy to imagine what the results would look like for the single and double quotes from my explanation above.)

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