Hey folks,
I have some compressed data in zip format downloaded from a database as blobs (using varchar in SQL). Each blob is a zip archive containing a single file named "data.bin"
I am downloading this data in large batches (~100K), but each blob is relatively small (~100 bytes compressed, ~1000 bytes uncompressed).
I am trying to decompress the data in memory, since writing/unzipping/reading all files to/from disk is quite slow and inefficient.
However, I am not able to find any method in R that can accomplish this, despite the data being easy to unzip once written to disk.
Here is some code showing the problem; the first part runs successfully, whereas the second part does not work for any of the shown methods.
is a raw vector of bytes containing one entry of compressed data
# Write to disk, unzip, read from disk (works)
t <- tempfile(fileext = ".zip")
writeBin(z, t)
zip::unzip(zipfile = t, "data.bin", exdir = dirname(t))
d <- file.path(dirname(t), "data.bin")
x <- read_file_raw(d)
# Unzip in memory (Does not work)
memDecompress(z, "gzip")
memDecompress(z, "bzip2")
I was using Claude AI to try to debug this, I ended up with a function that dumps some useful info about the zip file header.
analyze_zip_structure <- function(bytes) {
# Helper function to convert bytes to unsigned integer (little endian)
bytes_to_int <- function(bytes) {
sum(as.integer(bytes) * 256^(0:(length(bytes)-1)))
# Print first 50 bytes in decimal for analysis
cat("First 50 bytes (as integers):\n")
cat(as.integer(bytes[1:min(50, length(bytes))]), "\n\n")
# Verify ZIP signature
if (!identical(bytes[1:4], as.raw(c(0x50, 0x4B, 0x03, 0x04)))) {
stop("Not a valid ZIP file signature")
# Parse key ZIP header fields
cat("ZIP Local File Header Analysis:\n")
cat("Signature (as integers):", as.integer(bytes[1:4]), "\n")
cat("Version needed:", bytes_to_int(bytes[5:6]), "\n")
cat("Flags (as integers):", as.integer(bytes[7:8]), "\n")
cat("Compression method:", bytes_to_int(bytes[9:10]), "\n")
cat("Last mod time (as integers):", as.integer(bytes[11:12]), "\n")
cat("Last mod date (as integers):", as.integer(bytes[13:14]), "\n")
cat("CRC-32 (as integers):", as.integer(bytes[15:18]), "\n")
cat("Compressed size:", bytes_to_int(bytes[19:22]), "\n")
cat("Uncompressed size:", bytes_to_int(bytes[23:26]), "\n")
cat("Filename length:", bytes_to_int(bytes[27:28]), "\n")
cat("Extra field length:", bytes_to_int(bytes[29:30]), "\n")
# Get filename
filename_length <- bytes_to_int(bytes[27:28])
if (filename_length > 0) {
filename <- rawToChar(bytes[31:(30 + filename_length)])
cat("Filename:", filename, "\n")
# Calculate where compressed data should start
header_end <- 30 + filename_length + bytes_to_int(bytes[29:30])
cat("\nHeader ends at byte:", header_end, "\n")
cat("Total file size:", length(bytes), "\n")
return(header_end + 1) # Return start position of compressed data
First 50 bytes (as integers):
80 75 3 4 20 0 0 8 8 0 36 183 104 89 131 32 64 7 99 0 0 0 86 4 0 0 8 0 0 0 100 97 116 97 46 98 105 110 237 145 235 10 128 32 12 133 191 65 143 217
ZIP Local File Header Analysis:
Signature (as integers): 80 75 3 4
Version needed: 20
Flags (as integers): 0 8
Compression method: 8
Last mod time (as integers): 36 183
Last mod date (as integers): 104 89
CRC-32 (as integers): 131 32 64 7
Compressed size: 99
Uncompressed size: 1110
Filename length: 8
Extra field length: 0
Filename: data.bin
Header ends at byte: 38
Total file size: 213
Here's what I think is going on (I could be wrong).
There is a difference in the zip format depending on whether data is zipped on disk vs in memory
Zipping on disk add a header and tail to the data, whereas zipping in memory does not.
The data I am getting from database into memory includes the header and tail (i.e. it was zipped on disk)
So in the code below, I need to figure out how to unzip z2
in memory
x <- charToRaw("this is a test string")
# Zip in memory
z1 <- zip::deflate(x)$output
# Unzip in memory
zip::inflate(z1)$output %>% rawToChar()
# Write to disk and zip
writeBin(x, "test.bin")
zip::zip("test.zip", "test.bin")
# Read zip binary data into memory - how to unzip z2 in memory???
z2 <- readBin("test.zip", "raw", n = 1e6)
I would greatly appreciate any help figuring this out, I've searched all over the internet and have not found a solution to this.