Hi all,
I'm trying to run a simple spatial capture-recapture model using the oSCR package in R, but have come across a simple (and based on an extensive Google) fairly common issue to many different types of scripts. That is, the below error:
Warning message:*
In max(Xid) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf.
What confuses me is that I have run the identical script for a different data set (whilst making the code dataset-specific, of course), which was far larger in size, and that ran perfectly. However, the error appears for my smaller data set. I would really appreciate any thoughts and ways to fix this error, please. Many thanks in advance!
hog_edf <- read.csv(FILENAME)
hog.tdf <- read.csv(FILENAME)
hog.data <-
data2oscr(edf = hog_edf,
tdf = list(hog.tdf,hog.tdf,hog.tdf),
sess.col = which(colnames(hog_edf)%in%"SESSION"),
id.col = which(colnames(hog_edf)%in%"ANIMAL_ID"),
occ.col = which(colnames(hog_edf)%in%"SO"),
trap.col = which(colnames(hog_edf)%in%"TRAP_ID"),
sex.col = which(colnames(hog_edf)%in%"SEX"),
sex.nacode = "NA",
K = c(10,10,10), #10 occasions per session (3 sessions)
ntraps = rep(126,3), #number of capture traps per session (3 sessions)
trapcov.names = c("hab"),
tdf.sep = "/")
Reproducible example data:
Hog_edf file:
1 | E_BLACK_F | Frn_0 | 1 | 0 |
1 | A_BLACK_F | Frn_1 | 2 | 0 |
1 | A_BLACK_M | Frn_2 | 3 | 1 |
1 | F_BLACK_F | Frn_3 | 4 | 0 |
1 | D_BLACK_F | Frn_4 | 5 | 0 |
1 | E_BLACK_M | Frn_5 | 6 | 1 |
1 | G_BLACK_F | Frn_6 | 7 | 0 |
1 | A_RED_M | Frn_7 | 8 | 1 |
1 | D_RED_F | Frn_8 | 8 | 0 |
1 | E_RED_M | Frn_9 | 9 | 1 |
1 | F_RED_M | Frn_10 | 10 | 1 |
Hog_tdf file:
TRAP_ID | X | Y | sep | hab |
Frn_0 | 465078 | 356398 | / | urban |
Frn_1 | 465058 | 356352 | / | urban |
Frn_2 | 465038 | 356306 | / | urban |
Frn_3 | 465008 | 356270 | / | urban |
Frn_4 | 464969 | 356245 | / | urban |
Frn_5 | 464924 | 356257 | / | urban |
Frn_6 | 464924 | 356303 | / | urban |
Frn_7 | 464922 | 356349 | / | urban |
Frn_8 | 464957 | 356384 | / | urban |
Frn_9 | 464992 | 356416 | / | urban |
Frn_10 | 464967 | 356434 | / | urban |