%in% does not work in shiny on connect server

I am working on a shiny dashboard application with the following code:


function(input, output, session) {
  itm_data <- reactive({
    itm_cash_count <- itm_transaction.db %>%
      group_by(atm_id) %>%
      filter(as.Date(atm_datetime) == "2023-09-22" & !transaction_type %in% c("PinAuthentication", "CheckDeposit", "CheckCashing")) %>%
      select(atm_id, atm_datetime, transaction_id, transaction_type, host_type, identification_type, amount_dispensed, amount_deposited,
             denomination_1_after, denomination_5_after, denomination_20_after, denomination_100_after, atm_cash_after) %>%
  itm_location_id <- itm_locations %>%
    filter(location == "Main") %>%
  output$table <- render_gt({
    itm_data() |>
      filter(atm_id %in% c(54321101, 54321008, 54321103)) |>
      select(atm_id, denomination_1_after, denomination_5_after, denomination_20_after, denomination_100_after) |>
      rename('ATM ID' = atm_id,
             '$1 Bills' = denomination_1_after,
             '$5 Bills' = denomination_5_after,
             '$20 Bills' = denomination_20_after,
             '$100 Bills' = denomination_100_after) |>
      gt() |>
      cols_label_with(columns = everything(), fn = toupper) |>
      sub_missing() |>
      opt_interactive(use_compact_mode = TRUE)


  dark = NULL,
  fullscreen = TRUE,
  help = NULL,
  scrollToTop = TRUE,
  title = "ITM",
  preloader = list(html = tagList(spin_1(), "Loading ..."), color = "#3c8dbc"),
  header = dashboardHeader(
    title = tags$div("ITM Dashboard", style="padding:5px"),
    controlbarIcon = shiny::icon("bars")
  sidebar = dashboardSidebar(
    disable = TRUE
  controlbar = dashboardControlbar(
      tags$h5("Settings", style="text-align:center; padding-bottom:20px"),
      dateInput("date", "Select a date:", value = Sys.Date()),
      sliderInput("intervall", "Select Intervall:",
                  min = 30,
                  max = 1440,
                  value = 60),
      style="padding-left:20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-top:20px;"
  footer = dashboardFooter(
    left = "ⓒ 2023",
    right = "v. 0.0.1"
  body = dashboardBody(
      column(width = 12,
             box(title = "Transaction Details",
                 id = "transaction_details",
                 collapsible = TRUE,
                 closable = FALSE,
                 maximizable = TRUE,
                 width = NULL,
                 gt_output(outputId = "table")


# Load libraries
## Core functions
library(shiny) # Core function
library(bs4Dash) # Core dashboard theme

## Data functions
library(readr) # Rear csv
library(odbc) # DB connector
library(pool) # Pooling DB connector
library(dplyr) # Data wrangling
library(dbplyr) # DB addition to dplyr
library(tidyr) # Data manipulation
library(lubridate) # Time manipulation

## Additional modules for output
library(waiter) # Adding spinners to loading page
library(gt) # Adding table creation support

# Open connection to Pond
pool <- dbPool(
  drv = odbc::odbc(),
  driver = "PostgreSQL",
  server = "AWS_SERVER_NAME",
  Database = "ponds",
  UID      = Sys.getenv("terra_uid"),
  PWD      = Sys.getenv("terra_pwd")

itm_transaction.db <- pool |>
  dplyr::tbl(dbplyr::in_schema("prod", "fct_itm_transactions"))

itm_locations <- read_csv(file = "data/latlong.csv",
                          col_types = list(
                            `id` = col_integer(),
                            `lane` = col_character()
                          col_names = c("id", "location", "lane", "address", "latitude", "longitude"),
                          skip = 1)

This setting works on my lokal computer (Mac M1 current OS) without any problems. If I deploy it on a connect server that is running on a Linux server in a docker container (R and connect are both latest), however, it does not work, neither does it on workbench on a Linux server also running in a docker container.

the result on the connect server is, that the table is empty. If I replace %in% in the output$table commend in server.R, to atm_id == 54321103 it works....
Does anyone has an idea why it doesn't work? It honestly drives me crazy not finding the mistake... :-/

Thanks for your help.

check your logs for more info ?

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