importing a long .txt containing only numbers

i have here a pi.txt file containing n=1.000.000 digits of Pi.
i would like to import it as a vector of n elements
but which instruction could i use ?
read.csv("pi.txt",csv="") doesn't do the job…

mynumdigs <- strsplit(
  x = readLines(
    con =
  split = ""
)[[1]] |> as.integer()

thanks very much

not understood the [[1]] nor the |>

but works very fine

how could i count the number of sequences "14" for example ?
maybe str_count but it would need to transform the vector into a big string… ?

(vec_of_digits <- str_c(1:1000, collapse = "") |>
  str_split("") |>
  unlist() |>

library(dplyr) # for the useful dplyr::lag 
               #but could write your own function

(t_f_14 <- lag(vec_of_digits) == 1 &
  vec_of_digits == 4)

# there are 31 '14's
# you can stop here if you only wanted to count them

# Their end positions :
(pos_14 <- which(t_f_14))

# validate :
(extracts <- lapply(pos_14, \(x)c(
  vec_of_digits[x - 1],

thanks i have done this :

library(dplyr) # for the useful dplyr::lag @ lead
pi_tout <- strsplit(
  x = readLines(con =file("pi_million_work.txt")),
  split = ""
)[[1]] |> as.integer()


#chiffres isoles

#n-uplets 000..00,111..11
n <- 7# n doit etre superieur ou egal a deux
for (i in 0:9){
  les_ii <- (pi_tout==i) #vecteur de booleens
  pi_tout_glissant <- pi_tout
  for (combien in 1:(n-1)){
    pi_tout_glissant <- lead(pi_tout_glissant)
      les_ii <- (les_ii & (pi_tout_glissant==i))
  les_ii <- les_ii[![])]
  cat(sum(les_ii),"occurrences de ",n,"fois le chiffre ",i,"\n")

it works

thanks very much for deblocking

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