I downloaded Rstudio but for some reason, it only has the console. I'm new to R and trying to learn. Any help is appreciated!!

If there is no file open, you will see only the console. Select the menu File -> New File -> R script. That will bring up a blank file .

Shouldn't you also see the environment pane and the files pane? Or is that because I changed a setting some time ago which I have forgotten?

Is this something that maybe is only available with the paid R function? I only have the free version I don't see what you mean and maybe that's the issue, idk.

I don't maybe it's because I only have the "free" version but I only am seeing the console. I tried reuploading to see if this would fix the issue but it didn't I searched the web and I did see someone else mention they were having the same issue and they didn't figure it out.

I have highlighted the File menu with a red rectangle. Click there to get to New File -> R Script. I'm using the free desktop version.

Do try @FJCC's suggestion. You might also post a screenshot of what you're seeing and tell us what kind of computer and what version of RStudio and R you have. Seeing only the console is pretty mysterious.

Also, go to the View menu and be sure that Show all panes is checked.

Definitely not related to free RStudio versus paid. Have you installed both R and RStudio? These are separate things, and you need both for RStudio to work. What you describe sounds like you only have R installed and are trying the RGui, not RStudio.

Here's RGui (part of R):

Here's RStudio:

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Thank you for the screenshot because that's strange because weirdly it actually does look just like that but that's weird because I actually did install them both! They have it in order on the site to install them both and I went in order to do so and did both R and R studio. I even tried reinstalling Rstudio its so strange Im not sure why its doing it. I did see that when I googled that one other person was having the issue before and they didnt say why.

You should be able to solve your problem by starting RStudio instead of starting R directly. Please say what operating system you have and what exactly you are doing that results in R starting instead of RStudio.