I need help pullin data from twitch api. Im trying to get a list of streamers and follower count. i keep getting a error message
Username: punkdagod Follower Count:
Username: Myth Follower Count:
Username: user3 Follower Count:
Error in is.na(output) || !is.character(output) :
'length = 3' in coercion to 'logical(1)'
Error: unexpected '/' in "https:/"
here's the code
I keep getting this error message and im not really sure why
Username: punkdagod Follower Count:
Username: Myth Follower Count:
Username: user3 Follower Count:
Error in is.na(output) || !is.character(output) :
'length = 3' in coercion to 'logical(1)'
Set the URL for the Twitch API endpoint
user_url <- "url link"
follower_url <- "follower url link"
Set the usernames for which you want to retrieve follower counts
usernames <- c("punkdagod", "Myth") # Add more usernames as needed
Initialize an empty list to store the follower counts
follower_counts <- list()
Get the access token using client credentials flow
token_url <- "https://id.twitch.tv/oauth2/token"
token_params <- list(
client_id = client_id,
client_secret = client_secret,
grant_type = "client_credentials"
response <- POST(token_url, body = token_params, encode = "form")
token_data <- content(response, as = "parsed")
access_token <- token_data$access_token
Set the headers for the API requests, including the access token
headers <- c(
"Client-ID" = client_id,
"Authorization" = paste("Bearer", access_token)
Loop through each username and retrieve the follower count
for (username in usernames) {
Get user ID for the username
user_params <- list(login = username)
response <- GET(user_url, query = user_params, add_headers(.headers = headers))
user_data <- content(response, as = "parsed")
user_id <- user_data$data[[1]]$id
Get follower count for the user
follower_params <- list(to_id = user_id)
response <- GET(follower_url, query = follower_params, add_headers(.headers = headers))
follower_data <- content(response, as = "parsed")
follower_count <- follower_data$total
Store follower count in the list
follower_counts[[username]] <- follower_count
Print the follower counts
for (username in usernames) {
follower_count <- follower_counts[[username]]
cat("Username:", username, "Follower Count:", follower_count, "\n")
I tried restarting the program and reinstalling the packages and rerunning it. i also changed the url for the end point but i am stumped