i need help with an app /ayuda con una app

hi! my name is Siro i ve been working on an app for make budgets automathically. i wanted to upload it to shinyapps.io but it doesnt work. it works on my computer but not online.
in the logs apart it says this error Warning: Error in eval: object 'clientes' not found, clientes stand for customers in spanish an its a list that you fill in the interface. I dont know much about code i made the entire app using chat gpt. so please help me.

also it says this in the console when i run it
Warning: Error detecting locale: Error in make.names(col.names, unique = TRUE): invalid multibyte string 3
(Using default: en_US)

Hola soy siro, estoy teniendo problemas con una app que hice, funciona bien en mi computadora pero al cargarla me figura error. Si se sube pero no se puede usar por eso recurro a este foro en busca de ayuda.