I need help on a code, I don't understand the reason why it stops working

I am working on a code that helps me determine the minimum distance between two nodes if I have a succession of them, in my code when the weight is an integer it works perfectly, but if I put a decimal a part works and then it marks me $<- .data.frame(tmp`, "i", value = 5) : replacement has 1 row, data has 0 and I can't find the error, could you help me?

My code is the following
The part where my code fails is this:
p[r]<- min(Aristas[Aristas$From==i,"Peso"]+p[r-1])


Edges contains the data of "From", "To","Peso","PesoAc","Estado" ,"i", "Color"
ii is where the union of the nodes comes from

the data is as follows

1 2 1.485 0 0 0 black
2 3 2.485 0 0 0 black
3 4 3.485 0 0 0 black
4 5 4.485 0 0 0 black
5 6 5.485 0 0 0 black
6 7 6.485 0 0 0 black
7 8 7.485 0 0 0black

Can you refer to the reprex (https://reprex.tidyverse.org/) criteria for the forum users to help you.

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