I need help for search_fullarchive in tweet

Dear Community members,

I am trying to do full archive search with Premium account, and I created the token, fetched it with "get_token()", and make sure of env_name being correct. However, I keep getting this message;

keyword <-search_fullarchive("#おうちですごそう", n=1000, fromDate = 202005030000, toDate =202005262359, env_name = "fullarchive2", token = mytoken)
tweets/search/fullarchive/ tweets/search/fullarchive2/ *** 警告: Sorry, that page does not exist - 34
1: if (grepl("fullarchive|30day", query)) { で:
条件が長さが 2 以上なので、最初の 1 つだけが使われます
2: if (grepl("full", query)) { で:
条件が長さが 2 以上なので、最初の 1 つだけが使われます
3: Sorry, that page does not exist

1~2 say
1: if (grepl("fullarchive|30day", query)) in {, conditions were double, only one of them will be used
2: if (grepl("full", query)) in {, conditions were double, only one of them will be used

It may be too basic for many of you but I am new tor rtweet and even R so if you can help me in any ways, I would very much appreciate it.


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