Error in Skim_without_charts(penguins) :
could not find function "Skim_without_charts"
Error in glimpse(penguins) : could not find function "glimpse"
I would appreciate any help here.
Error in Skim_without_charts(penguins) :
could not find function "Skim_without_charts"
Error in glimpse(penguins) : could not find function "glimpse"
I would appreciate any help here.
Can you give us the list of packages that you have loaded? At the moment it looks like one or two needed packages, for example skimr did not load.
For this particular error, the problem is that R is case sensitive and the function name is skim_without_charts()
(with no capital S).
To solve this problem, please make sure you do:
Step 1: install.packages("skimr")
Step 2: library(skimr)
Step 3: skim_without_charts(penguins)
If these 3 steps were done continuously, you should sort it out. Generally speaking, the error message is just indicating it can not locate the specific function.
Hope it is of help
I am still getting the same error even when I copy the code you posted. The package and the library is installed properly but I am unable to get the skim_without_charts(penguins) to load
Same issue here, I've loaded all those three steps and running on the same error.
glimpse is a function provided by dplyr/pillar ; so load library(dplyr)
before using glimpse()
It worked. Thank you.
I fixed this error by installing skimr install.packages("skimr") and load it library(skimr) then reinstall install.packages("palmerpenguins"), and skim_without_charts(penguins) works.