I tried to update the "rmarkdown" package, but it failed, and showed:
There is a binary version available but the source version is later:
binary source needs_compilation
rmarkdown 1.13 1.14 FALSE
I thought the old version restricted the updating process, so I clicked the cross on the right side of "rmarkdown" package in the RStudio "Packages" window, then re-do the installation process: install.packages("rmarkdown").
However, after removing the package, the re-installation failed too.
The log is:
Installing package into ‘C:/Users/Harry Lu's X1/Documents/R/win-library/3.6’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
There is a binary version available but the source version is later:
binary source needs_compilation
rmarkdown 1.13 1.14 FALSE
It's been a while for me with Windows, but you can choose to install binary version, right? If it fails to compile for whatever reason, this might be a solution for now. In near future CRAN will update and binary for new version of rmarkdown will become available.
The problem is that the compiler is having problems with the empty space in your Windows user name, one walk-around solution would be to install in the global library instead of per user, with something like this:
I gave you that as an example, you have to modify accordingly to your R version, are you also using R 3.6.1 version? Also, you have to run rstudio as administrator to have write permissions in that folder
@Harry.L To avoid problems like this in the future, you can have R always install the latest binary version by setting options(pkgType = "binary"). This might install a slightly older version, but the CRAN servers are pretty good about building a Windows binary within a week or so of a new package release.
To make this your default behavior every time you start R, you can add it to your .Rprofile. The line below does this: