I cannot open a project from coursera, "project is in an invalid state" message displays

Hello all,

I am having trouble opening a link to complete a project through coursera. Can someone on the support side help with this. I have received this message since yesterday evening. Thank you in advance. Happy holidays

Posit Cloud

I have the same problem. It is stuck on the "preparing project" screen and nothing loads. Also says "project is in an invalid state"

I am having the same issue. Would love to know how to handle it. (Incidentally, I am also having an issue accessing the discussion forums for the class, which is why I came here.

How many days do I have to see this message before I can continue my work?

I have the same issue!

Same issue here, deadlines are approaching :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Also having the same problem unfortunately!

I am having the same problem.
go to first saved file( course 7) and export , then will be saved in zip format in your pc. Then import the new file too your account.

Hope its help. To me has workt.

I am having the same problem and the answer given
go to first saved file( course 7) and export , then will be saved in zip format in your pc. Then import the new file too your account.

Makes no sense. Where is the saved file (course 7). I don't know what this saved file course 7 is? We've never received it. How do we export it, this was of no help whatsoever. Anyone else have any suggestions, that are relevant to the problem at hand?

Rather than post on a Posit user forum, I would strongly suggest contacting Coursera. They created the project on Posit Cloud and should be the administrators. If it needs to be restarted, then they probably are the ones to either do it or request Posit support to do it.

Has anyone tried to contact Coursera, and if so, what has been the response?

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