I cannot load the full package of the tidyverse and can't load ggplot2

Hello everyone, I am a newbie to the game so I really do not know where to start but I have this oldish macbook now and I am trying to make it work. I found this older version of RStudio online (1.4.1743 i believe) coming from another posit request: Installers for macOS Catalina 10.15.6

I have R version 4.2.3 GUI 1.79 High Sierra build

I have installed tidyverse with


and I received the question Do you want to install from sources the packages which need compilation? (Yes/no/cancel) to which I have answered yes.

I have done this on another laptop back in the days and everything worked perfectly I do not understand what is going on... Is it because my laptop is too old and therefore my Rstudio?

I will also link with a picture what it shows when i try to load the tidyverse.

does someone know how I can solve this issue?

Thank you all in advance!!

The image might cut off the interesting stuff. What is the full output from install.packages("ggplot2")? Also, just to be clear, you are using standard quotation marks and not something funky, correct? The curly quotes are a bit suspicious.

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thank you so much for replying. It gives this output:

Apparently you do not have the "munsell" package installed, which is tripping up installation of ggplot2. You can try install.packages("ggplot2", dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports"), which will hopefully install just the required dependencies (which I don't believe includes munsell). Alternatively, you can install munsell, then (assuming that works) try installing ggplot2 again and see if there is another unsatisfied dependency, in which case you enter a presumably (hopefully) finite loop.

If you look at the "Imports:" line of the CRAN entry for ggplot2, that tells you which packages you are going to need before installing ggplot2. You can check your current roster of packages (both those in the "system library" that install with R and those you added), and install any that you are missing before trying ggplot2 again.

To follow up on @ prubin's answer, {tidyverse} is actually a collection of related packages and sometime it hiccups during an installation.

All you can really do is install the missing package {munsell} and start over. Then repeaat,if you get the same error with another missing package. I think I had to do this 6 or 7 times. IT is annoying and %^%# time consuming but I don't think it's anything seriously wrong.

There is a possible alternative way to install packages that might. It is called {pacman}.


If that works then try


posit seems to think is better than install.parkages and it has worked well for me.

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Thank you again for the help. I have tried running your code but I received this error now:

and I have tried to install munstell and I managed i think and then i tried to download tidyverse and then load it with library() and i get this now:

Does that mean I now have to install stringi? and how many more i might get of these?

Thank you again! I know I sound like a newbie, that is cause I am one ha !

Yes. As I wrote earlier,you may have to do this several times. It is maddening but it should work.

Alternatively the pacman approach might work better.

You can try generating a plot with ggplot2 in RStudio and see if the plot can be displayed in the Console tab. If yes, then one possibility is to stick with the setup and just live without the ability to use the Plots tab. If no, possibilities include installing a newer version of RStudio (if your system allows it) or uninstalling ggplot2 and installing an older version. You might also trying running R from a command prompt and generating a plot there. If the plot displays, another option is to keep the current setup and just live without the ability to see plots in RStudio.

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