I have a Shiny app that uses 5 xgbTree models to make predictions. The app runs locally just fine but when I try to run it on shinyapps.io it runs out of memory. I am using Instance Size 3X-Large (8 GB). The part that causes the app to run out of memory is making all 5 predict() function calls all together.
This is what runs out of memory on shinyapps.io. (I read in all 5 of my models outside of the server() function and these predict functions are inside the server() function)
# Predictions output:
preds <- eventReactive(input$gobutton, {
user_data <- df()
pred_sed <- predict(xgbTree_CEAP1and2_sed, newdata = user_data)
pred_SurfN <- predict(xgbTree_CEAP1and2_SurfN, newdata = user_data)
pred_SubN <- predict(xgbTree_CEAP1and2_SubN, newdata = user_data)
pred_P <- predict(xgbTree_CEAP1and2_P, newdata = user_data)
pred_Psol <- predict(xgbTree_CEAP1and2_Psol, newdata = user_data)
Here is my temporary fix but it is SLOW. (I read in one model at a time, make the prediction, then remove the model. This all occurs in the server() function)
# Predictions output:
preds <- eventReactive(input$gobutton, {
user_data <- df()
# Sediment
xgbTree_CEAP1and2_sed <- readRDS("xgbTree_CEAP1and2_sed_trimmed.rds")
pred_sed <- predict(xgbTree_CEAP1and2_sed, newdata = user_data)
# Surface Nitrogen
xgbTree_CEAP1and2_SurfN <- readRDS("xgbTree_CEAP1and2_SurfN_trimmed.rds")
pred_SurfN <- predict(xgbTree_CEAP1and2_SurfN, newdata = user_data)
# Subsurface Nitrogen
xgbTree_CEAP1and2_SubN <- readRDS("xgbTree_CEAP1and2_SubN_trimmed.rds")
pred_SubN <- predict(xgbTree_CEAP1and2_SubN, newdata = user_data)
# Total Phosphorus
xgbTree_CEAP1and2_P <- readRDS("xgbTree_CEAP1and2_P_trimmed.rds")
pred_P <- predict(xgbTree_CEAP1and2_P, newdata = user_data)
# Soluble Phosphorus
xgbTree_CEAP1and2_Psol <- readRDS("xgbTree_CEAP1and2_Psol_trimmed.rds")
pred_Psol <- predict(xgbTree_CEAP1and2_Psol, newdata = user_data)
I also already tried trimming away any parts of the models not needed for prediction:
# function to remove unnecessary parts of the caret model
trim_model_fun <- function(model) {
model$trainingData <- NULL
model$control <- NULL
model$modelInfo <- NULL
Any advice for how to read in all 5 models outside of the server() function and be able to use predict() to make all 5 predictions inside the server() function? Thanks