I've tried making my first blogdown post with Rmarkdown "Hello Blogdown" using Addins -> NewPost, giving a title "Hello Blogdown" and selecting '.Rmd' and leaving all else default.
I then copy in Yihui's example script for Rmarkdown:
(ignore the forward slashes)
\```{r cool-plot, fig.width='80%', fig.cap='A cool plot.'}
plot(cars, pch = 20) # not really cool
I then use add-ins serve site.
This resulted in following error message in the Rstudio console:
Rendering content/post/2018-05-11-hello-blogdown.Rmd
Quitting from lines 16-17 (2018-05-11-hello-blogdown.Rmd)
Error in options[[sprintf("fig.%s", i)]] * options$dpi :
non-numeric argument to binary operator
Calls: local ... process_group.block -> call_block -> fix_options -> %n%
Execution halted
<simpleError in render_page(f): Failed to render 'content/post/2018-05-11-hello-blogdown.Rmd'>
When I remove the code it serves fine with an appropriately titled post.
Any advice warmly welcomed