Hi there,
I used to have a workflow of rendering my documents as .html from my .rmd files, while keeping the .md. This way, all three get uploaded on GitHub (pick your poison type thing).
I would then use the HTML preview (links below) to get a preview of my HTML file (as only .md is generally supported) which would match the view of my local HTML preview.
However, with the last 3 projects I tried this on, this doesn't work anymore.
Here's a project on which this worked:
REPO: peterhontaru/Job-Offer-Prediction-MBA-Students (github repo, won't let me add more than 2 links)
PREVIEW: GitHub & BitBucket HTML Preview
(you can note the HTML type content within the R Markdown such as tabs and code folds)
Here's a project in which this did not work
REPO: peterhontaru/Piano-Practice-Prediction (github repo, won't let me add more than 2 links)
PREVIEW: GitHub & BitBucket HTML Preview
To note that this repo has the code hidden now as it was displaying every chunk regardless of the code_folding: hide option. The tabs are also not displaying.
To mention that everything looks fine on my local HTML files, so something is lost in the process of uploading it over there.
My YAML settings are unchanged from the previous repos where this worked:
toc: true
toc_float: false
toc_depth: 3
number_sections: true
code_folding: hide
code_download: true
fig_width: 9
fig_height: 5
fig_align: "center"
highlight: pygments
theme: cerulean
keep_md: true
title: "Human Learning meets Machine Learning"
subtitle: "1,200+ hours of piano practice"
author: "by Peter Hontaru"
And below, my knitr settings
echo = TRUE, # show all code
tidy = FALSE, # cleaner code printing
size = "small", # smaller codefig.path = "figures/", #graphics location out.width = "100%", message = FALSE, warning = FALSE )
Would really love some help on this issue as I could not find anything online as to why this stopped working.