I am experiencing that my notebook will suddenly convert code and output to the following, see the picture.
In general nothing has been done to the code chunk, but after a while a the chunk will convert to this.
The solution is to merely run the code again, and then the problem is solved.
Although as this is my notebook, the code is not always as structured as it would be in a report or etc. hence it is not always possible to run the notebook from one end to the other.
Has anyone had similar issues? Any tips to avoid this from happening?
I have the following RStudio version: Version 1.3.1073, "Giant Goldenrod" (718e6d75, 2020-07-29) for macOS
Where my Rmarkdown package is version 2.5
Here is an example of some code, where the output format yields an error. I have tried to attached the markdown file, although it does not appear to be possible, please let me know if I can do it in another way
Smarket <- Smarket
this is followed by the following in the preview and .nb.html file
standardized.X <- scale(Caravan[,-86]) #Creates a standardized table, without the response varaiable
with the following output in the preview and .nb.html file
<!-- rnb-source-end -->
<!-- rnb-chunk-end -->
<!-- rnb-text-begin -->
We see, that the dataframe has 5822 observations and 86 predictors.
The response variable is 'Purchase'
<!-- rnb-text-end -->
<!-- rnb-chunk-begin -->
<!-- rnb-source-begin eyJkYXRhIjoiYGBgclxuYGBgclxudmFyKENhcmF2YW5bLDFdKVxuYGBgXG5gYGAifQ== -->
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