How to wrap columns text in a pdf table

I am trying to use Quartoto render a table created as a flextableinto a pdf file. Some columns of the table are too long and the text does not wrap when I try to render it to a pdf.

When I try to render the table into html the text wraps.
What can I do to render wraped columns in pdf?

title: "How to wrap text of columns in a table?"
format: pdf
editor: visual

#| label: load-packages
#| include: false
#| label: tbl-domains
#| tbl-cap: Table title
#| warning: false
#| echo: false

table_p <- tibble(P = c(1,2,3,4,5),
                  P_name = c('aaaaaa aaaaa aaaaaa aaaaa aaaaaa aaaaa aaaaaa aaaaa aaaaaa aaaaa', 'aaaaaa aaaaa', 'bb bbbbb', 'bb bbbbb', 'bb bbbbb'),
                  D_name = c('xxxx xxxx','yyyyyy y yy','zzzz zz','fffff fffffffff','ggggg gggggggggggggggg ggggg gggggggggggggggg ggggg gggggggggggggggg ggggg gggggggggggggggg'))

ft <- flextable(table_p)
ft <- set_header_labels(ft, P_name = "First", 
                        D_name = "Second" )
ft <- set_table_properties(ft, layout = "autofit", width = .8,
                           opts_pdf = list(tabcolsep = 5))

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