I tried to visualize all the graphs but the upper one did not appear. I want to know what is missing. the server code for the bar graph works but for the histogram dose not appear.
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Country Salary"),
p("Explore the difference between people who earn less than 50K and more than 50K. You can filter the data by country, then explore various demogrphic information."),
# TASK 2: Add first fluidRow to select input for country
wellPanel(selectInput("country", "Select Country",c("United-States", "Canada", "Mexico", "Germany", "Philippines")) # add select input
# TASK 3: Add second fluidRow to control how to plot the continuous variables
p("Select a continuous variable and graph type (histogram or boxplot) to view on the right."),
radioButtons( "continuous_variable","Continuos variable",choices = c("age" , "hours_per_week")), # add radio buttons for continuous variables
radioButtons("graph_type","Graph", choices = c("histogram","boxplot")) # add radio buttons for chart type
column(9, plotOutput("P1")) # add plot output
# TASK 4: Add third fluidRow to control how to plot the categorical variables
p("Select a categorical variable to view bar chart on the right. Use the check box to view a stacked bar chart to combine the income levels into one graph. "),
radioButtons("categorical_variable","Category",choices = c("education", "workclass", "sex")), # add radio buttons for categorical variables
checkboxInput("is_stacked", "Bars stacked") # add check box input for stacked bar chart option
column(9, plotOutput("p2")) # add plot output
# Load libraries
# Read in data
adult <- read_csv("adult.csv")
# Convert column names to lowercase for convenience
names(adult) <- tolower(names(adult))
# Define server logic
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
df_country <- reactive({
adult %>% filter(native_country == input$country)
# TASK 5: Create logic to plot histogram or boxplot
output$p1 <- renderPlot({
ggplot(df_country(), aes_string(x = input$continuous_variable)) +
geom_histogram()+ # histogram geom
labs(y= "Number of P", title = paste("Trend of",input$continuous_variable))+ # labels
facet_warp(~Prediction) # facet by prediction
# TASK 6: Create logic to plot faceted bar chart or stacked bar chart
output$p2 <- renderPlot({
# Bar chart
p <- ggplot(df_country(), aes_string(x = input$categorical_variable)) +
labs(y= "Number of P", title = paste("Trend of",input$categorical_variable)) + # labels
theme(axis.text.x= element_text(angle = 45 ),legend.position = "bottom") # modify theme to change text angle and legend position
if (input$is_stacked) {
p + geom_bar(aes(fill = prediction)) # add bar geom and use prediction as fill
p +
geom_bar(aes(fill = input$categorical_variable)) + # add bar geom and use input$categorical_variables as fill
facet_wrap(~prediction ) # facet by prediction