I am trying to create a function to undo target engineering in a tidymodels workflow. I need to know which steps apply to the outcome variable to undo the transformations and I am trying to use the un-exported function eval_select_recipes()
, which uses tidyselect::eval_select()
When I run this, I get an empty vectors:
data <- dplyr::select(mtcars, cyl, mpg, disp, hp)
mtcars_rec <- recipes::recipe(mpg ~ cyl + hp, data = data) %>%
recipes::step_center(recipes::all_numeric(), -recipes::all_outcomes(), id = "centera") %>%
recipes::step_scale(recipes::all_outcomes(), id = "scaleb")
eval_select_recipes(quos = mtcars_rec$steps[[1]]$terms,
data = data,
info = mtcars_rec$term_info)
# named character(0)
It works perfectly when I run prep(mtcars_rec)
with the debugger, step inside the prep()
function, and then run
eval_select_recipes(quos = mtcars_rec$steps[[1]]$terms,
data = data,
info = mtcars_rec$term_info)
# [1] "cyl" "hp"
In both cases, identical inputs are passed to eval_select()
but one returns a length zero character and the other returns the correct named list.