Hi guys I am new here and not sure if I can post this here, if not, I apologize.
I am having so much trouble to use the new Siber package of R. It was before inside the Siar and now it has a package of its own, I dont know how to use it at Rstudio because a lot of the packages required to be installed I cant load at Rstudio, although I could load all of them at Rconsole (latest version), I just don't know where to start !!!
My data is ready to be analyzed but how to work with it??
I understood you want to install SIBER. Did you try install.packages("SIBER") or using install button in package panel in RStudio ? if so, did you have error messages ?
Dear cderv, thank you for your reply. I did manage to use Siber in Rstudio, I was able to make the demo graphics and etc but I am having trouble to use my own data, How can I input my own data and analyse it? from the beginning?
Because if I follow tha protocol it will give me the answer from the demo.siber.data isnt' it? Ive tried to input my own data a million times in so many different ways. This is what I am doing so far after installing all the packages nedded for Siber (hdrcde, graphics, grDevices, mnormt, rjags, spatstat.utils, stats, viridis, tidyr, dplyr, ggplot2, magrittr):
If the first line succeeded with no error, it should have create an object siberdata containing the data read from your csv.
No need to call data(siberdata) : this is use in the example to call the data contained inside a package. No need here. Call siberdata directly. You should have a data.frame resulting from read.table.
After that, follow the documentation and help pages from SIBER . I do not know this one. Can't help you with that.