I need to use Rstudio to edit excel instead of working on Excel itself. I used to use Rstudio for data visualization. I downloaded R package ggplot. This time do I still need to download package for excel? Moreover, I am using the free version of Rstudio as University Students. So there are some functions I may able to use.
I used to download a R code for data visual, are there any codes for excel as well?
Yes, you have to, RStudio is not a statistical software like SPSS, Minitab, etc, it is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for the R programming language, so it doesn't implement any functionality by its own, you have to use R packages (like ggplot2) for that.
Which package to use is going to depend on what exactly you are trying to accomplish, "edit excel instead of working on Excel itself" is a very vague statement, so could you ask this with a minimal REPRoducible EXample (reprex)? A reprex makes it much easier for others to understand your issue and figure out how to help.
If you've never heard of a reprex before, you might want to start by reading this FAQ: