map(.x = levels(Orange$Tree), .f = function(z){lm(formula = age ~ 1 + circumference, subset = Tree == z, data = Orange)}) %>%
I get an error:
"Error in names(object) <- nm :
'names' attribute [1] must be the same length as the vector [0]
In addition: Warning message:
In : applied to non-(list or vector) of type 'NULL'"
Would you be able to make this into a minimal reproducible example (aka a reprex)?
In addition to the reprex section of the tidyverse site (linked to above), there's a quick, helpful overview of the package and how to use it (Jenny starts ~10:40) in the video below.
The problem you're encountering (I think) is that map() returns a list of lm objects (one for each level of Tree as per your call). And tidy() doesn't know how to operate on a list of lm objects, just on a single lm object.
So you need to iterate over your list, tidy()ing each element. Luckily you already know how to do that (with map())! I got the the following code to work (indentation/formatting not really that important):
.x = levels(Orange$Tree),
.f = function(z) {
lm(formula = age ~ 1 + circumference, subset = Tree == z, data = Orange)
) %>%
This will give you a data frame with all of the different models in the same data frame rather than in a list of data frames.
More similar to your accepted answer, you could change the map(tidy) portion to map_df(tidy) and you would get the same thing. The nice thing about the first approach is that you can do a lot more than just tidy the models, i.e., augment or glance, all in the same mutate call and then just unnest which ever you are interested in.