I would like to do some teaching with RStudio.
I don't want - for sure -
- to use online "web editors", web R and so on (missing packages I need, slow loading)
- use containers, like docker or virtual machine. Zero-installation on my student's computers.
- to rely on my students' local R versions, the set of installed packages, dependencies and so on.
What I want is to provide them with a stand-alone, totally independent instance of RStudio with "portable R" located in a subdirectory, with own local library. This would be almost entirely "isolated", "sandboxed" from their environments. After the course they could easily delete the whole directory.
I almost set up such an environments by downloading RStudio ZIP and taking portable R (from R Portable - Browse /R-Portable at SourceForge.net). I can start RStudio from a .BAT file by setting the SET RSTUDIO_WHICH_R=.\R\ ....... environment variable. And it works.
But RStudio always restores their last project. Then it loads their last session, packages - and since these packages don't agree with the R version I use (for a purpose), it "spits" dozens of error messages before it starts. And then they have to close the project anyway. This is not a "zero-interference" approach.
For the R engine I can request "vanilla" model, for instance. Is there any command line switch or any environment variable allowing me to start a completely independent RStudio, ignoring all registry entries, and so on?
Yes, I do know I can uncheck appropriate options in the Tools -> Global Options, but this uses Windows registry I guess. I know it, because when I run the unZIPpped "portable" RStudio it "remembers" things. So this must read the registry...
Briefly - how to launch a clean instance of RStudio?