How to split a string every nth character?

Hi there!

I want to split a string onto a newline at a specified character. The reason is that I want to present it in a table, but the table cannot handle text wrapping when it is all one big string of text. Below is a demonstration of how strwrap and str_wrap don't really do what I need.

Any help / pointers appreciated! :slight_smile:

long_char <- paste(rep(LETTERS, 3), collapse = "")


strwrap(long_char, width = 10, simplify = FALSE)
#> [[1]]
stringr::str_wrap(long_char, width = 10)

# What I want - split (Say) every 10 characters
#> [1] "STUVWXYZ"

Created on 2020-09-09 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Note: I noticed a similar question for python on SO here, but couldn't find the equivalent in R.

I manually constructed the limits for the calls to str_sub() but it could be done programmatically.


long_char <- paste(rep(LETTERS, 3), collapse = "")
StartVec <- 0:7 * 10 + 1
StopVec <- 1:8 * 10
str_sub(string = long_char, start = StartVec, end = StopVec)

Created on 2020-09-09 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

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Oh, nice! Thank you so much! I'll have a go at wrapping this into a function and report back.

Really appreciate you taking the time.

Go Alto Clef!

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