How to solve my error in R Studio

Dear all, I am working on my university project which is about heating a house on one winter day. The assignment has an example with its instruction. In the instruction the temperature of house is 20 C, and I am supposed to change it to 19 C. i use "eplusr" as the EnergyPlus package and and " After working on the necessary steps when I want to simulate the model for 20C with the script:
model <- read_idf('20C.idf')
I get the following results in the console:

job <- model$run(NULL, wait = TRUE)
EnergyPlus Starting
EnergyPlus, Version 9.6.0-f420c06a69, YMD=2022.11.06 11:31
Adjusting Air System Sizing
Adjusting Standard 62.1 Ventilation Sizing
Initializing Simulation
Reporting Surfaces
Beginning Primary Simulation
Initializing New Environment Parameters
Warming up {1}
Warming up {2}
Warming up {3}
Warming up {4}
Warming up {5}
Warming up {6}
Starting Simulation at 01/21 for BERLIN WINTER HEATING
Writing final SQL reports
EnergyPlus Run Time=00hr 00min 0.20sec
EnergyPlus Completed Successfully.
But when I want to simulate the model for 19C with the same script:
model <- read_idf('20C.idf')
I got an error :
job <- model$run(NULL, wait = TRUE)
EnergyPlus Starting
EnergyPlus, Version 9.6.0-f420c06a69, YMD=2022.11.06 13:24
Adjusting Air System Sizing
Adjusting Standard 62.1 Ventilation Sizing
Initializing Simulation
Program terminated:
EnergyPlus Terminated--Error(s) Detected.
If anyone knows how to solve the error please be kind and email me at:


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