I would like to edit this function so when i open the file i can view properly
df <- tibble(x = c("a", "\U00f4"), y = 1:2)
header <- Sys.Date()
fun <- function(x, header = NULL, file){
if (!is.null(header)) vroom_write_lines(as.character(header), file, append = TRUE)
vroom_write(x, file, delim = ",", col_names = TRUE, append = TRUE)
### Test the function ####
fun(df, NULL, "test.csv.gz")
fun(df, header, "test.csv.gz")
I don't understand the problem.
> readLines("test.csv.gz")
[1] "x,y" "a,1" "ô,2" "2022-12-01" "x,y"
[6] "a,1" "ô,2"
Is that not your expected result? Are you getting something different?
If you are getting the wrong result in Excel (a ô
instead of ô
), it's a problem with Excel, go to the Data tab, select "From Text/CSV", and in the import window you can choose the encoding.
January 13, 2023, 2:46am
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