How to set up`CHROMOTE_CHROME` environment variable to the executable of a Chromium-based browser in Posit Connect Cloud

The following pdf downloader for the GT table based on gtsave() i does not work in the shiny app deployed at posit connect cloud:

# Download handler for GO gene list table
    output$download_go_gene_list <- downloadHandler(
      filename = function() {
        paste0("GO_Gene_List_Table_", format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d_%H%M"), ".pdf")
      content = function(file) {
        req(input$color_highlight, enrichment_results_list)
        colors_to_use <- if(input$color_highlight) {
          req(input$up_color, input$down_color)
          c(input$down_color, input$up_color)
        } else {
          c("#000000", "#000000")  # default black if highlighting is disabled
        gt_table <- build_gt_gene_lists(
          df = uploaded_df(),  
          annotation_col = input$annotation_col,
          chosen_go = input$go_category,
          go_data = GO,
          alpha = input$alpha,
          fold_col = input$fold_col,
          color_highlight = colors_to_use,
          log_messages_rv = log_messages,
          log_event = log_event
        gtsave(gt_table, file)

The log system at the server informs that it needs chrome like browser and that I should set the CHROMOTE_CHROME environment variable to the path of a Chromium/Chrome executable:

2025-01-10T15:35:28+01:00 `google-chrome`, `chromium-browser` and `chrome` were not found. Try setting the `CHROMOTE_CHROME` environment variable to the executable of a Chromium-based browser, such as Google Chrome, Chromium or Brave or adding one of these executables to your PATH.
2025-01-10T15:35:28+01:00 Warning: Error in initialize: Invalid path to Chrome
2025-01-10T15:35:28+01:00   15: <Anonymous>
2025-01-10T15:35:28+01:00   13: fn
2025-01-10T15:35:28+01:00    8: retry
2025-01-10T15:35:28+01:00    7: connect$retryingStartServer
2025-01-10T15:35:28+01:00    6: eval
2025-01-10T15:35:28+01:00    5: eval
2025-01-10T15:35:28+01:00    4: eval
2025-01-10T15:35:28+01:00    3: eval
2025-01-10T15:35:28+01:00    2: eval.parent
2025-01-10T15:35:28+01:00    1: local 

How to locate this path - is chrome installed in the cloud system? How I can set this variable to the cloud enrironment? Everything else in a big app including other pdf file downloaders using ggsave() and not gtsave() are working correctly... all the help appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

We've added an issue to investigate how to support this workflow on Connect Cloud. I'll update here when we have more information.