I do pretty much the same thing for every document.
In fact, the only thing I change for every document is the title.
I want to know how I can put all of these values in a file (except for the title), and change my compile command to read that file when compiling. This is the command I use to compile:
R -e "rmarkdown::render('file.Rmd')"
My end goal is to only have to put something like this in my Rmarkdown document:
What do I exactly put in that file?
I tried to copy everything from my yaml at the top of the document, but it gave me errors when trying to compile. Here is the contents of _output.yaml:
Sorry to hear that.
See https://github.com/rstudio/rmarkdown/issues/297
There the idea is presented to copy the yaml to (before) the actual file and then render the resulting file. Of course you could automate this with a cover function for the render