How to set bounds when running the fable package ETS exponential smoothing state space model?

I have 32 months of data, and I'm trying out different models for testing the forecasting of unit transitions to dead state "X" for months 13-32, by training from transitions data for months 1-12. I then compare the forecasts with the actual data for months 13-32. The data represents the unit migration of a beginning population into the dead state over 32 months. Not all beginning units die off, only a portion. I understand that 12 months of data for model training isn't much and that forecasting for 20 months from those 12 months should result in a wide distribution of outcomes, those are the real-world limitations I usually grapple with.

I am using the fable package ETS model and would like to know how, or if it's possible, to set bounds for outputs when running simulations based on ETS. When I go to to research setting bounds, the bounds argument as duplicated in the image below (perhaps I misunderstand what is meant by "bounds"), but those instructions don't say how to actually specify the lower and upper bounds:

When I run ETS on my data and plot out the forecast I get the following, where the forecast mean (in blue) at least visually reasonably hews to the actual data for those same months 13-32 (in black)(I have run other tests of residuals and autocorrelations, as well as run the benchmark methods recommended in the book, and this Holt's linaer method looks fine based on those tests):

However, when I run simulations using that ETS model (simulation code posted at bottom), I often get a maximum of transitions into dead state X for the forecast horizon (aggregate forecasted transitions during months 13-32) in excess of the beginning number of elements, which totals 60,000. In other words, there is no real-world scenario where transitions to dead state can exceed the beginning population! Is there a way to set an upper bound on the forecast distribution and the simulations so the total forecast doesn't exceed the cap of 60,000 possible transitions?

I use a log-transformation of the data to prevent the forecast from falling negative. Negative value transitions aren't a real-world possibility for this data.

Below is the code for generating the above, including the dataset:


# my data
data <- data.frame(
  Month =c(1:32),
) %>% 
  as_tsibble(index = Month)

# fit the model to my data, generate forecast for months 13-32, and plot
fit <- data[1:12,] |> model(ETS(log(StateX) ~ error("A") + trend("A") + season("N")))
fc <- fit |> forecast(h = 20)
fc |>
  autoplot(data) +
  geom_line(aes(y = .fitted), col="#D55E00",
            data = augment(fit)) +
  labs(y="Unit transitions", title="Holt's linear method for transitions to dead state X") +
  guides(colour = "none")

# run simulations and show aggregate nbr of transitions for months 13-32
sim <- fit %>% generate(h = 20, times = 5000, bootstrap = TRUE)
agg_sim <- sim %>% group_by(.rep) %>% summarise(sum_FC = sum(.sim),.groups = 'drop')

Referred here by Forecasting: Principles and Practice, by Rob J Hyndman and George Athanasopoulos

A solution is provided here: 13.3 Ensuring forecasts stay within limits | Forecasting: Principles and Practice (3rd ed)

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I had stopped at section 12 and see my question would have been soon answered in section 13.3 "Forecasts constrained to an interval". Do you recommend running the recommended scaled logit transformation through all the examples in the book to test fit, from simple methods (mean, naive, drift), ETS, ARIMA, and neural net? Or does this only work for the ETS model?

A scaled logit transformation can be applied regardless of the forecasting method.

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