I am trying to host the pkgdown website for a package to my own subdomain:
On travis I have:
provider: script
script: Rscript -e 'pkgdown::deploy_site_github()'
skip_cleanup: true
On the help page it mentions " If you're using a custom CNAME, make sure you have set the url
in _pkgdown.yaml
I tried adding to _pkgdown.yml url:subdomain.mywebsite.dev
but id hasn't worked.
I am not sure what should I change or where.
In the settings of the repository, as there is an option under Github pages>Custom domain to specify where I want it.
Also following the Github Documentation I found that I should set up something on my own website. But it is not clear what, as I can add an entry for:
mysubdomain CNAME 1h user.github.io/mypackage
digging some websites using a similar setup I found this:
$ dig patchwork.data-imaginist.com +noall +answer
patchwork.data-imaginist.com. 899 IN CNAME thomasp85.github.io.
thomasp85.github.io. 3598 IN A
thomasp85.github.io. 3598 IN A
thomasp85.github.io. 3598 IN A
thomasp85.github.io. 3598 IN A
But I'm not sure how to set up this.
How can I redirect the build to show up on my desired subdomain?