how to save multiple raster values into single data frame

I am trying to save multiple raster pixel values into a single data frame and store as csv format. I extracted my data for single file and store as CSV. However, I could not store other raster values in same csv file. It is replaced with previous values. I know its little error at but I am stuck in it.
The code is given below:

> rastlist <- mixedsort(list.files(path = "/shared/MODIS/2003-2008/", pattern='.tif', 
>                                  all.files=TRUE, full.names=FALSE,recursive = TRUE))
> shp= readOGR("Gilgit_DEM_57.shp")
> c =,nrow = 1,ncol = 1))
> i = 1
> for (i in 1:length(rastlist)){
>   raster1 = raster(rastlist[i])
>   r2_extract  = extract(raster1,shp,df = T, na.rm = T) 
>   b1
> colnames(b1) = c("ID","MOD10A","Freq")
> b3_200  =[which(b1$MOD10A == 200),])
> b3_198  =[which(b1$MOD10A == 198),])
> b3_199  =[which(b1$MOD10A == 199),])
> b4_200  =  cbindX(b3_200,b3_198,b3_199,c)
>   write.csv(b4_200, "2003_snow_198_199_200.csv")
> }

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