I was wondering, how to generate a list of all inputs in a module automatically (without specifying the id's) and return that list? For instance in the official tutorials the way we return inputs is this: Shiny - Communication between modules
xvar = reactive({ input$xvar }),
yvar = reactive({ input$yvar })
Replacing the list with lapply
results in an error:
lapply(input, function(x){reactive({input[[x]]})})
is deprecated as of shiny 0.4.0.
Please use reactiveValuesToList()
Please see ?reactiveValuesToList for more information.
Warning: Error in .getReactiveEnvironment()$currentContext: Operation not allowed without an active reactive context.
• You tried to do something that can only be done from inside a reactive consumer.
I tried with reactiveValuesToList
but it did not help. This answer returns something different, a reactive with a list of all values.