How to rename a column with unexpected signs using dplyr?

I am a biginer in R. I have uploaded a csv file through R import and I have realised it contains some strange name, like "Company \r\n(Maker-if known)" After trying to rename using the rename (data name, new name = old name) code, the output comes with a warning saying "unexpected '\' how could I rename please?

Thank you

Can you copy and paste the exact code you used? Paste it here with three backticks before and three after.

flavor1<-rename(flavor, company=flavor$Company (Maker-if known))


flavor1<-rename(flavor, company=`Company (Maker-if known)`)
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You can also use function clean_names() from the package janitor:

flavor <- read.csv("your_data_file.csv") |>

clean_names() will convert all the dodgy column names into proper R names, automatically.

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Thank you so much. The code of flavor2<- janitor::clean_names(flavor1) has cleaned all unexpected signs. then the code flavor3<- flavor %>% rename(desired name= existed name) has worked again without warning.

Thank you so muc.

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