How to remove a script from RStudio

I use RStudio for several years but not really study it systematically. One problem annoys me a lot. I googled but not find any solution.
The problem is that when I created some scripts which I did not save, It coped by themselves (named "untitled xx*). I remove them from RStudio script by clicking the up-right corner "x" but they will appear when I reopen RStudio.
I know that I remove them from RStudio script does not actually delete them but I don't know where RStudio save them and how to remove them forever or stop the endless copy by themselves.

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I have also noticed this.
I have deleted the 20 or so identical untitled script files, close the project and then when I reopen it they come back like the proverbial cat.
Are your files sync'd using onedrive or similar?
I am wondering if these are being recreated from the cloud version.

(On Windows) you can click on the 3 little dots in the files window and it opens the home-folder where the files are located by default.

Alternatively go to
Tools - Global Options
in the General tab to Default working directory and there on "Browse"

Thanks for your reply, Matthias. I check the home-folder using your method. It seems directly to my C:
However, I don't find any "untitled xx" files under it. So I still don't find how to delete them.

Hi RossD,

No, I only use RStudio and R on my laptop. I don't think I link to cloud. It is wired for me.

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