How to refer to the same footnote twice in R markdown

As the title says. Is there any way to refer to the same footnote twice (or more) without creating duplicate footnotes? For example, this R markdown code creates duplicate footnotes with the same content. I want to merge it into one. How can I do it?

First part of the document^[same footnote]

Second part of the document^[same footnote]

You can write footnotes different ways, one of them is to number them which ease the reference

See Pandoc - Pandoc User’s Guide

This is what the visual editor uses. See Visual R Markdown

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Tried this one, but it still creates duplicate footnotes. Below is an example R markdown script for illustration.

title: "Title"
output: html_document

First part[^1]

Second part[^1]

Third part[^2]

Fourth part[^2]

[^1]: first footnote

[^2]: second footnote

Oh ok. It does not work as I expected.

It seems it is expected and Pandoc works this way since a long time.

There is a new issue you can follow if this evolves in the future

Rmarkdown currently depends on Pandoc for this.

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Thank you for pointing me to that issue. Hope this is fixed soon.

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Hello junghoonshin,
I face the same problem and an internet search brought me here. In the meantime, I may have found a small solution to your issue if you have not already resolved it:

(in Markdown, use Latex to superscript the footnote number)

First part$^1$

(and the next one)

Second part$^2$

(at the end of your text add *** to create a line across the document)

(under the line, add the text below:)

1, 2: Text for your footnote

It works to a degree, but will not hyperlink the footnote numbers to the footnote text (like it would normally) - but if you have only a few footnote numbers for the same text, does it really matter.

Hope that helps - and if you found a better way, let us know.

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