How to recode values from text to numbers - likert scale

I have this dataset I have loaded in called "Data". Within this dataset, it includes various likert scale questionnaires. Using an example, in this dataset I have variables EQ1 - EQ10 which represents a 10 item empathy questionnaire. Currently in this likert scale, it is:

  • Strongly agree
  • Slightly agree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Slightly disagree

For items EQ1, 2, 4, 6 and 9, Strongly agree = 2, Slightly agree = 1 and the other 2 options = 0. Then the other items need to be reverse coded. I am really struggling with how to do this.

I've tried this:
Data <- read.csv ("data.csv")

data <- data %>%
EQ1 = recode(EQ1, "strongly agree" = 2, "slightly agree" = 1, "strongly disagree" = 0, "slightly disagree" = 0, .default = NA),
EQ2 = recode(EQ2, "strongly agree" = 2, "slightly agree" = 1, "strongly disagree" = 0, "slightly disagree" = 0, .default = NA),
EQ4 = recode(EQ4, "strongly agree" = 2, "slightly agree" = 1, "strongly disagree" = 0, "slightly disagree" = 0, .default = NA),
EQ6 = recode(EQ6, "strongly agree" = 2, "slightly agree" = 1, "strongly disagree" = 0, "slightly disagree" = 0, .default = NA),
EQ9 = recode(EQ9, "strongly agree" = 2, "slightly agree" = 1, "strongly disagree" = 0, "slightly disagree" = 0, .default = NA))

But I get this error: Error in UseMethod("mutate") :
no applicable method for 'mutate' applied to an object of class "function"

Please help

First, R is case sensitive. Your data.csv file is imported as 'Data', but you use 'data' in the code pipe.

Second, there is a data() function in base R, so you are starting the pipe with a function name, not a data set.

Try Data <- Data %>% at the start of the pipe.

Error in mutate():
! Problem while computing EQ1 = recode(...).
Caused by error in recode():
! .default must be a double vector, not a logical vector.
Run rlang::last_error() to see where the error occurred.

I now get this error?

Change .default=NA to .default = as.numeric(NA)

By the way, the help for recode says it has been superseded by case_match.

You're actually a legend. It seems to be working now. Thank you so much, I've been stressing over it the whole day trying to figure it out myself.

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