Thank you very much for reading my poster from a learning novice in R.
Here is my goal:
*I have 45 individual cvs files, each with 8 rows and 16 columns. Each cell contains number from 0 to 6 (e.g. 0, 0 , 1, 1, 5...)
*I need to get the number of occurrence of each number (from 0 to 6) in each file.
*Right now, I can get the number by opening individual files, and do that 45 times. BUT that is too laborious!
My lengthy R-code is as follows:
matrix<-matrixList1 #Then I have to change it from "matrixList1" to "matrixList45" for 45 times
#count number of 1
#count real number of 1, excluding the eight "1" in the headline
#average number of appearing once as a competitor
average1 <- count1/8
#count number of 2
#count real number of 2, excluding the two "2" in the headline
#average number of appearing twice as a competitor
average2 <- count2/8
#count number of 3
#count real number of 3, excluding the two "3" in the headline
#average number of appearing three times as a competitor
average3 <- count3/8
#count number of 4
#count real number of 4, excluding the two "4" in the headline
#average number of appearing four times as a competitor
average4 <- count4/8
#count number of 5
#count real number of 5, excluding the two "5" in the headline
#average number of appearing five times as a competitor
average5 <- count5/8
#count number of 6
#count real number of 6, excluding the two "6" in the headline
#average number of appearing fsix times as a word
average6 <- count6/8
#make life easier
table1 <- c(count1, count2, count3, count4, count5, count6)
table2<- c(average1, average2, average3, average4, average5, average6)
#print tables
Output goes like:
#print tables
[1] 55 19 1 0 0 16
[1] 6.875 2.375 0.125 0.000 0.000 2.000
It is satisfactory; But, STILL I need to do this 45 times in order to get a gist of all files.
*My question is:
How do read all csv files at one time, and get the occurrence I need from each list at once?
I would be very appreciate for you help!