Do you get any particular error ? its hard to diagnose without ...
Here is a reprex for how to do reactive file read. note the version 2 lazy feature would cause the file to lock on read and not be rewritable so I pass lazy=FALSE.
Thank you for your quick answer.
I have this error message :
"Warning: Error in : '"TOA5","Meteo_GreEnER_CR6","CR6","8957","CR6.Std.10.01","CPU:METEO_GREEN-ER_v2.4.CR6","5234","_01_Min"' does not exist in current working directory"
That was working with the version 1.4.0 of the readr package
"TOA5","Meteo_GreEnER_CR6","CR6","8957","CR6.Std.10.01","CPU:METEO_GREEN-ER_v2.4.CR6","5234","_01_Min" is the first line of the file that is seems to be read as a file by read_csv.
Seems you are using read_csv as though with literal data rather than a file and its tripping you up.
Literal data is most useful for examples and tests. It must contain at least one new line to be recognised as data (instead of a path) or be a vector of greater than length 1.
using readLines just seems an extra unecessary step ...
perhaps try