How to Re-enable Package Installation Notification in RStudio

In RStudio, when using the library() function, if a required package is not installed, a notification appears saying "package xxx required but is not installed." However, I accidentally clicked "don't show again," and now the prompt no longer appears. How can I restore this function?

If you're on Mac or Linux, this is stored in file(s) under:


On Windows:


In those folders will be one or more files with 8 character hex names, e.g. "39FB22A0" and so forth.

Files containing the following indicate that "Don't show this again" was clicked:

"disableDependencyDiscovery": "1"

The simplest fix is to:

(1) Close all open files in RStudio, then exit
(2) Delete all the files in that folder I mentioned above
(3) Restart RStudio

I opened an issue suggesting we provide a less horrible way to do this: Provide a way to reenable package dependency detection after clicking Don't Show Again · Issue #15830 · rstudio/rstudio