How to prevent read_csv from generating exponents?


I'm getting stuck on an interesting problem where my dataframe contains values of the following type: 1e1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4... For example:

df <- data.frame(
   col1 = rep("1e1", 10)

And I need to perform some data transformation, and write the dataframe into a new csv using read_csv() function.

However, if you type a number with an “e” in excel, such as 1e1, it will automatically result in a scientific number: 1.00E+09. I understand that in excel, if you don’t want a scientific number, enter an apostrophe before the number: '1e1. But I'm unable to write a new csv file with values like '1e1, because then it would be interpreted as text in the output csv.

I need my values to remain in their original form as either text or factors, and I wish to still be able to work on this via csv files.

Does anyone know of a solution to this?

I think using col_types = "c" is what you are after, see below.

# Make data frame
df <- data.frame(
        col1 = rep("1e1", 10))
# Write csv
df %>% write_csv("test.csv")

# Read csv as default
#> Parsed with column specification:
#> cols(
#>   col1 = col_double()
#> )
#> # A tibble: 10 x 1
#>     col1
#>    <dbl>
#>  1    10
#>  2    10
#>  3    10
#>  4    10
#>  5    10
#>  6    10
#>  7    10
#>  8    10
#>  9    10
#> 10    10

# Read csv and set column as character
read_csv("test.csv", col_types = "c")
#> # A tibble: 10 x 1
#>    col1 
#>    <chr>
#>  1 1e1  
#>  2 1e1  
#>  3 1e1  
#>  4 1e1  
#>  5 1e1  
#>  6 1e1  
#>  7 1e1  
#>  8 1e1  
#>  9 1e1  
#> 10 1e1

Created on 2019-03-07 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

I'd suggest creating a reproducible example if this doesn't answer your question and you need more help.

All the best,



Hi Alistair,

Thanks for your solution and this is what I'm looking for!

However, what happens if I have multiple columns in my dataframe, and I want to apply col_types to only a particular column? For example:

# Make data frame
df <- data.frame(
        col1 = rep("1e1", 10),
        col2 = seq(1, 10)
# Write csv
df %>% write_csv("test.csv")

# Read csv and set column as character
read_csv("test.csv", col_types = "c") 

#Warning: 10 parsing failures.
#row col  expected    actual       file
#  1  -- 1 columns 2 columns 'test.csv'
#  2  -- 1 columns 2 columns 'test.csv'
#  3  -- 1 columns 2 columns 'test.csv'
#  4  -- 1 columns 2 columns 'test.csv'
#  5  -- 1 columns 2 columns 'test.csv'
#... ... ......... ......... ..........
#See problems(...) for more details.

How can I do this?

Hey, what's about this?

# loading libraries

# Make data frame
df <- data.frame(
  col1 = rep("1e1", 10),
  col2 = seq(1, 10)

# Write csv
df %>%
  write_csv(path = "test.csv")

# Read csv and set column as character
read_csv(file = "test.csv",
         col_types = cols(col1 = "c"))
#> # A tibble: 10 x 2
#>    col1   col2
#>    <chr> <dbl>
#>  1 1e1       1
#>  2 1e1       2
#>  3 1e1       3
#>  4 1e1       4
#>  5 1e1       5
#>  6 1e1       6
#>  7 1e1       7
#>  8 1e1       8
#>  9 1e1       9
#> 10 1e1      10
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In addition to Yarnabrina's reply, for more details checkout: vignette("readr") and scroll down to the column specification section onwards for lots of information and examples on what the defaults for read_csv are and how to override them.

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