How to point RStudio out to RTOOLS 4.4 ?

Hi, I use R 4.3.0 and just have installed RTOOLS 4.4.
I placed it on windows system PATH, but still RStudio recognizes RTOOLS 4.3.
How to rectify this ?

This does not have much to do with RStudio. The Rtools paths are hard-coded in R. R 4.3.x needs Rtools 4.3. Rtools 4.4 is for R 4.4.0 and later, see e.g. at RTools: Toolchains for building R and R packages from source on Windows.

Thank you ,
so there is no need to place RTools in windows PATH anymore ?

That is correct, no need to set the PATH at least since Rtools 4.2. The best is to not put any compilers on the PATH and rely on the hard-coded default installation locations. If you can do that.

Thank you @Gabor for your kind help.

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